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CRE Watch List

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  • December 2012-

  • EPA Seeks Comment on Draft Environmental Data Quality Standards and Guidance

    FERC Holds Conference on Gas and Electric Power Information Sharing

    Treasury and Fed Seek Comment on Proposed New Definitions of Funds Transfer and Transmittal of Funds

    The D.C. Circuit Reviews the Data Quality Act Again

  • November 2012-

  • ACUS Meets

    SEC Seeks Comment on Proposed SEC Rule Changes

    EPA Issues Oil and Gas NPDES Permits for Beaufort and Chukchi

  • October 2012-

  • EPA Stays Effective Date of CMAS Rule to Allow Reconsideration

    SEC Seeks Comment on NASDAQ's Proposed Rule Changes

    Federal Reserve Board Publishes Stress Test Rules

    Treasury Reopens Comment Period on Margin and Capital Requirements for Covered Swap Entities

    BOEM Proposes Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Sale

  • September 2012-

  • A Poster Child for Regulation by Litigation Run Amok: The BLM Oil Shale Program

    Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Extends Rulemaking Comment Periods

    CRE Advocates the Revitalization of DOE's Role as a Regulatory Watchdog

    CRE Comments on EPA's Pollinator Risk Assessment Framework

  • August 2012-

  • EPA Seeks Nominations for SAB Fracking Advisory Panel

    EPA Request Public Comment on Human Health Risk Assessment

    OIRA Requires that Federal Forms be Tested Before They're Used

    Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Proposes Data Quality Guidelines

  • July 2012-

  • EPA Seeks Comment on Framework for Human Health Risk Assessment to Inform Decision Making

    FIFRA SAP Meets on Pollinator Risk Assessment

    BOEM Publishes 5-Year Plan for OCS Oil and Gas

    EPA Extends Comment Period for Draft Fracking Guidance

    EPA Has EDSP Comprehensive Management Plan

  • June 2012-

  • EPA Seeks Comment on Proposed Settlement of RICE Air Rule Litigation

    Public Meeting on Draft Fracking Guidance

    USGS Seeks Comment on Climate Change and Other Strategies

    White House Acts to Improve Digital Government

  • May 2012-

  • NMFS Holding Listening Sessions and Science Workshops on whether to List Coral Species under the ESA

    OMB Issues Memo on "Use of Evidence and Evaluation in the 2014 Budget"

    White House Issues New Executive Order on Regulatory Impacts

    EPA Extends Comment Period and Schedules Public Hearings on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards

  • April 2012-

  • EPA SAB Meets on CompTox

    EPA Denies NRDC's Petition to Ban 2,4-D

    President Issues Executive Order on Fracking

    EPA Retains Current NO 2 and SO 2 Standards

    OMB Distributes Guidance on Regulatory Agendas

  • March 2012-

  • OMB Issues Memorandum on Cumulative Effects of Regulations

    NOAA SAB Holds Public Meeting

    CEQ Issues New NEPA Improvement Guidance

    EPA Seeks Comment on EDSP Petition

  • February 2012-

  • EPA Acts on Interstate Transport

    EPA Issues Dioxin Non-Cancer Risk Assessment

    Agencies Publish Regulatory Agendas

    OMB Reviewing ICR for OCS Air Pollution Regulations

  • January 2012-

  • EPA Proposes Water Pollution General Permits for Beaufort and Chukchi

    Government Seeks Comment on National Ocean Policy Draft Implementation Plan

    EPA Seeks Comment on Important Air Regulation ICR

    IG Slams EPA's Management of Nanao Materials

    NRDC's Access to OIRA Should Not Be Restricted