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CRE Comments to
Department of Labor

CRE Submits Comments to DOL on the Risk Analysis Portion of its Data Quality Guidelines (Applicable to OSHA/MSHA)
CRE has provided written comments to DOL on the Risk Analysis portion of its proposed Data Quality guidelines relating to OSHA/MSHA. The Risk Analysis section was released separately by the agency, after issuance of the rest of the DOL guidelines. CRE's comments raise serious concerns regarding DOL's "adaptation" of the SDWA guidelines. Specifically, DOL's proposed guidelines would not set minimum quality standards for risk-related information.

  • Click to review CRE's comment letter to DOL on the Risk Analysis portion of its Data Quality Guidelines
  • Click to submit a comment

    CRE Submits Additional Supplemental Comments to DOL on its Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided further supplemental written comments to DOL on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. These comments raise additional points on handling correction requests and also discuss the definition of the term "utility."

  • Click to review CRE's additional supplemental comment letter to DOL
  • Click to submit a comment

    Data Quality Act: CRE Submits Comments to Department of Labor on its Data Quality Guidelines
    CRE has provided specific written comments to the Department of Labor (DOL) on its proposed Data Quality guidelines. In addition to its letter comments, the Center has attached two papers: (1) a set of CRE Generic Comments to all agencies on their Data Quality guidelines which discuss a variety of important cross-cutting issues; and (2) a Legal Memorandum challenging the OMB's and other agencies' attempts to exempt certain categories of information from the Data Quality Act guidelines' applicability.

  • Click to review CRE's comment letter to DOL
  • Click to review CRE's Generic Comments attachment
  • Click to review Legal Memorandum on proposed agency exemptions to the Data Quality Act guidelines
  • Click to submit a comment

    Federal Data Quality Act: CRE Files Data Quality Guideline Development Guide with DOL
    CRE has provided the Department of Labor with a Working Draft white paper, Developing DOL's Data Quality Guidelines: A Step-by-Step Guide, designed to assist DOL in developing their Data Quality guidelines. A key issue discussed in the CRE guide is a discussion of the Department's duty to establish a standard for information reproducibility. CRE recommended that DOL's reproducibility standard include specific tests of robustness for all information subject to the reproducibility requirement to ensure that any and all test results are reliable.

  • Click to read CRE letter to DOL
  • Click to read CRE white paper
  • CRE Regulatory Services