February 18, 2002
Mr. Patrick Pizzella
Assistant Secretary and Chief Information Officer
Department of Labor
Room S2203
200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20210
Re: DOL Data Quality Guidelines
Dear Mr. Pizzella
Enclosed please find a Working Draft copy of a CRE white paper, Developing DOL's Data Quality Guidelines: A Step-by-Step Guide. The primary purposes of the Working Draft document are to provide the Department with:
A blueprint of the specific tasks DOL needs to perform to develop their draft Data Quality guidelines; and
A starting point for discussions within the Department and between the Department and public stakeholders on key Data Quality issues.
For each major Data Quality guideline development task, the white paper provides a discussion of:
Guidance provided by OMB:
DOL application of OMB guidance; and
CRE's recommendations.
CRE will be contacting your office to begin establishing an information exchange on issues related to the development of DOL's Data Quality guidelines.
I look forward to working with you and your staff.

Jim J. Tozzi
Member, CRE Board of Advisors