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Scientists File Brief in Support of Tozzi Challenge to NTP Dioxin Listing

A group of prominent health scientists has filed an amicus or "friend of the court" brief with the D.C. Circuit in support of appellants who are challenging NTP's classification of dioxin as a "known human carcinogen". The scientists are: Dr. Christopher Borgert, President of Applied Pharmacology and Technology; Dr. C. Jelleff Carr, Professor Emeritus of the University of Maryland School of Medicine; Dr. Gio Batta Gori, Director of the Health Policy Center; Dr. John Keller, former Director of NTP's Carcinogenesis and Bioassay Testing Program and a former EPA SAB member; and Dr. B. Frank Vincent, a consultant in toxicology and environmental and human health and regulatory science.

In their brief, the amici argue (i) that NTP incorrectly misconstrued the agency's own listing criteria, which require "sufficient evidence from studies in humans", to mean other than sufficient epidemiological data; (ii) that the new listing runs afoul of science and policy considerations requiring that "known" carcinogen classifications be kept distinct from "reasonably anticipated" listings; (iii) that the epidemiological data are insufficient to classify dioxin as a known human carcinogen; and (iv) that the "mechanistic information" upon which NTP relies for its revised listing does not demonstrate a causal relationship between dioxin exposure and cancer.

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