CRE Gives Universities An Education
Universities usually provide educational services. However, CRE put institutions of higher learning on the receiving end of the education equation with a letter informing "universities that their research must comply with federal data quality requirements if they want it to be considered by federal policymakers..." Furthermore, as reported by Inside EPA, CRE has explained that failure to comply with the Data Quality Act and implementing guidelines may result in the universities losing federal funds. CRE's widely disseminated letter discussed the Data Quality Act requirements and noted that the watchdog organization had "become aware of several instances in which university faculty and/or personnel have submitted information . . . which clearly did not comply with the new data quality standards." The CRE letter recommended, in part, that universities educate their faculty and staff about the Data Quality Act standards and requirements. CRE raised the question with the press that, if the material universities submit to government agencies cannot be disseminated because of Data Quality Act violations, "why give money to universities if they can't do anything with their research funds? If we really start to invoke this, millions of federal government research dollars couldn't be used. . ." In explaining that education is a process, CRE noted, "We've been nice up to now. Rounds two and three, we'll be more direct." Not surprisingly, the universities have not been supportive of CRE's position. Winston suggests that they improve their attitude if they want to get a passing grade.
Click to read Inside EPA article.