OSHA Ergonomics Forum: Humanistic Versus Ergonomics Intervention in the Work Place
Dr. Alf Nachemson of Sweden, an internationally recognized expert in back pain, stated that humanistic intervention in the workplace has a greater impact than ergonomics intervention. Mr. Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO stated that OSHA's emphasis on defining the term ergonomics was a way of minimizing the issue.
Comment on Item
Dr. Alf Nachemson of Sweden, an internationally recognized expert in back pain, stated that humanistic intervention in the workplace has a greater impact than ergonomics intervention. Humanistic intervention relieves stress in the workplace resulting from non-physical work activities such as fear of layoffs and peer competition by modifying these stress factors through counseling.
Mr. Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO stated that OSHA's emphasis on defining the term ergonomics is a way of minimizing the issue. Mr. Trumpka also stated that this issue has been studied for a number of years and it is time to act. He suggested that the U.S. adopt the ergonomics standard presently in place in Sweden.