Official Territorial
(4 U.S.C. Chapter 5)
Sec. 141.
Collection, preparation, and publication. 142.
Appointment of experts. 143.
Employment and utilization of other personnel; cost of
copy reading and indexing. 144.
Cooperation of departments and agencies. 145.
Printing and distribution. 146.
Authorization of appropriations.
§ 141. Collection, preparation and
The Archivist of the United States, hereinafter referred to in
this chapter as the "Archivist", shall continue to completion the
work of collecting, editing, copying, and suitably arranging for
issuance as a Government publication, the official papers relating
to the Territories from which States of the United States were
formed, in the national archives, as listed in Parker's "Calendar of
Papers in Washington Archives Relating to the Territories of the
United States (to 1873)", being publication numbered 148 of the
Carnegie Institution of Washington, together with such additional
papers of like character which may be found.

§ 142. Appointment of experts
For the purpose of carrying on the work prescribed by section 141
of this title, the Archivist, without regard to the Classification
Act of 1949 and the civil service laws and regulations thereunder,
may engage the services, either in or outside of the District of
Columbia, of not to exceed five historical experts who are
especially informed on the various phases of the territorial history
of the United States and are especially qualified for the editorial
work necessary in arranging such territorial papers for

§ 143. Employment and utilization of other
personnel; cost of copy reading and indexing
(a) In carrying out his functions under
this chapter, the Archivist may employ such clerical assistants as
may be necessary.
(b) The work of copy reading and index
making for the publication of the papers described in section 141 of
this title shall be done by the regular editorial staff of the
National Archives and Records Administration, and the cost of this
particular phase of the work (prorated each month according to the
number of hours spent and the annual salaries of the clerks
employed) shall be charged against the annual appropriations made
under section 146 of this title.

§ 144. Cooperation of departments and
The heads of the several executive departments and independent
agencies and establishments shall cooperate with the Archivist in
the work prescribed by section 141 of this title by permitting
access to any records deemed by him to be necessary to the
completion of such work.

§ 145. Printing and distribution
(a) The Public Printer shall print and
bind each volume of the official papers relating to the Territories
of the United States as provided for in this chapter, of which--
(1) four hundred and twenty copies shall be
delivered to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Office, for distribution, on the basis of one copy each, and as
directed by the Archivist, to those historical associations,
commissions, museums, or libraries and other nondepository
libraries, not to exceed eight in number within each State,
Territory, or Possession, which have been or may be designated by
the Governor thereof to receive such
copies; (2) one hundred copies shall be
delivered to the National Archives and Records Administration for
the use of that Administration; and (3)
one hundred copies shall be delivered to the Superintendent of
Documents for distribution in such manner and number as may be
authorized and directed by the Joint Committee on Printing.
(b) The historical associations,
commissions, museums, or libraries and other nondepository libraries
within each State, Territory, or Possession which have been or may
be designated by the Governor thereof to receive the publications
referred to in subsection (a) of this section, shall, during their
existence, receive the succeeding volumes, the distribution of which
shall be made by the Superintendent of Documents in accordance with
lists of designations transmitted to him by the Archivist. A new
designation may be made to the Archivist by the Governor only when a
designated association, commission, museum, or library shall cease
to exist, or when authorized by law.

§ 146. Authorization of appropriations
For the purposes of this chapter, there are authorized to be
appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise
appropriated, sums of not more than $50,000 for any one fiscal
