Title 13--Business Credit and
121.101 |
What are SBA size standards? |
121.102 |
How does SBA establish size standards? |
121.103 |
What is affiliation? |
121.104 |
How does SBA calculate annual receipts? |
121.105 |
How does SBA define ``business concern or concern''? |
121.106 |
How does SBA calculate number of employees? |
121.107 |
How does SBA determine a concern's ``primary industry''? |
121.108 |
What are the penalties for misrepresentation of size status? |
121.201 |
What size standards has SBA identified by Standard Industrial
Classification codes? |
121.301 |
What size standards are applicable to financial assistance programs?
121.302 |
When does SBA determine the size status of an applicant? |
121.303 |
What size procedures are used by SBA before it makes a formal size
determination? |
121.304 |
What are the size requirements for refinancing an existing SBA loan?
121.305 |
What size eligibility requirements exist for obtaining business loans
relating to particular procurements? |
121.401 |
What procurement programs are subject to size determinations? |
121.402 |
What size standards are applicable to procurement assistance programs?
121.403 |
Are SBA size determinations and SIC code designations binding on
parties? |
121.404 |
When does SBA determine the size status of a business concern? |
121.405 |
May a business concern self-certify its small business size status?
121.406 |
How does a small business concern qualify to provide manufactured
products under small business set-aside or MED procurements? |
121.407 |
What are the size procedures for multiple item procurements? |
121.408 |
What are the size procedures for SBA's Certificate of Competency
Program? |
121.409 |
What size standard applies in an unrestricted procurement for
Certificate of Competency purposes? |
121.410 |
What are the size standards for SBA's Section 8(d) Subcontracting
Program? |
121.411 |
What are the size procedures for SBA's Section 8(d) Subcontracting
Program? |
121.412 |
What are the size procedures for partial small business set-asides?
121.413 |
What size must a concern be to be eligible for the Very Small Business
program? |
121.501 |
What programs for sales or leases of Government property are subject
to size determinations? |
121.502 |
What size standards are applicable to programs for sales or leases of
Government property? |
121.503 |
Are SBA size determinations binding on parties? |
121.504 |
When does SBA determine the size status of a business concern? |
121.505 |
What is the effect of a self-certification? |
121.506 |
What definitions are important for sales or leases of Government-owned
timber? |
121.507 |
What are the size standards and other requirements for the purchase of
Government-owned timber (other than Special Salvage Timber)? |
121.508 |
What are the size standards and other requirements for the purchase of
Government-owned Special Salvage Timber? |
121.509 |
What is the size standard for leasing of Government land for coal
mining? |
121.510 |
What is the size standard for leasing of Government land for uranium
mining? |
121.511 |
What is the size standard for buying Government-owned petroleum?
121.512 |
What is the size standard for stockpile purchases? |
121.601 |
What is a small business for purposes of admission to SBA's Minority
Enterprise Development (MED) program? |
121.602 |
At what point in time must a MED applicant be small? |
121.603 |
How does SBA determine whether a Participant is small for a particular
MED subcontract? |
121.604 |
Are MED Participants considered small for purposes of other SBA
assistance? |
121.701 |
What SBIR programs are subject to size determinations? |
121.702 |
What size standards are applicable to the SBIR program? |
121.703 |
Are formal size determinations binding on parties? |
121.704 |
When does SBA determine the size status of a business concern? |
121.705 |
Must a business concern self-certify its size status? |
121.801 |
May patent fees be reduced if a concern is small? |
121.802 |
What size standards are applicable to reduced patent fees programs?
121.803 |
Are formal size determinations binding on parties? |
121.804 |
When does SBA determine the size status of a business concern? |
121.805 |
May a business concern self-certify its size status? |
121.901 |
Can other Government agencies obtain SBA size determinations? |
121.902 |
What size standards are applicable to programs of other agencies?
121.903 |
When does SBA determine the size status of a business concern? |
121.1001 |
Who may initiate a size protest or request a formal size
determination? |
121.1002 |
Who makes a formal size determination? |
121.1003 |
Where should a size protest be filed? |
121.1004 |
What time limits apply to size protests? |
121.1005 |
How must a protest be filed with the contracting officer? |
121.1006 |
When will a size protest be referred to an SBA Government Contracting
Area Office? |
121.1007 |
Must a protest of size status relate to a particular procurement and
be specific? |
121.1008 |
What happens after SBA receives a size protest or a request for a
formal size determination? |
121.1009 |
What are the procedures for making the size determination? |
121.1010 |
How does a concern become recertified as a small business? |
121.1101 |
Are formal size determinations subject to appeal? |
121.1102 |
Are SIC code designations subject to appeal? |
121.1103 |
What are the procedures for appealing a SIC code designation? |
121.1201 |
What is the Nonmanufacturer Rule? |
121.1202 |
When will a waiver of the Nonmanufacturer Rule be granted for a class
of products? |
121.1203 |
When will a waiver of the Nonmanufacturer Rule be granted for an
individual contract? |
121.1204 |
What are the procedures for requesting and granting waivers? |
121.1205 |
How is a list of previously granted class waivers obtained?