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TITLE 10 > Subtitle A > PART IV > CHAPTER 141 > Sec. 2391. | Prev | Next |
Sec. 2391. - Military base reuse studies and community planning assistance
(a) Reuse Studies. - Whenever the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of the military department concerned publicly announces that a military installation is a candidate for closure or that a final decision has been made to close a military installation and the Secretary of Defense determines, because of the location, facilities, or other particular characteristics of the installation, that the installation may be suitable for some specific Federal, State, or local use potentially beneficial to the Nation, the Secretary of Defense may conduct such studies, including the preparation of an environmental impact statement in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), in connection with such installation and such potential use as may be necessary to provide information sufficient to make sound conclusions and recommendations regarding the possible use of the installation. (b) Adjustment and Diversification Assistance. - The Secretary of Defense may make grants, conclude cooperative agreements, and supplement funds available under Federal programs administered by agencies other than the Department of Defense in order to assist State and local governments in planning community adjustments and economic diversification required by the proposed or actual establishment, realignment, or closure of a military installation, by the cancellation or termination of a Department of Defense contract or the failure to proceed with an approved major weapon system program, by a publicly announced planned major reduction in Department of Defense spending that would directly and adversely affect a community, by the encroachment of a civilian community on a military installation, or by the closure or the significantly reduced operations of a defense facility as the result of the merger, acquisition, or consolidation of the defense contractor operating the defense facility, if the Secretary determines that an action described in clause (A), (B), (C), or (E) is likely to have a direct and significantly adverse consequence on the affected community or, in the case of an action described in clause (D), if the Secretary determines that the encroachment of the civilian community is likely to impair the continued operational utility of the military installation. In the case of the establishment or expansion of a military installation, assistance may be made under paragraph (1) only if community impact assistance or special impact assistance is not otherwise available, and the establishment or expansion involves the assignment to the installation of more than 2,000 military, civilian, and contractor Department of Defense personnel, or more military, civilian, and contractor Department of Defense personnel than the number equal to 10 percent of the number of persons employed in counties or independent municipalities within fifteen miles of the installation, whichever is lesser. In the case of a publicly announced planned reduction in Department of Defense spending, the closure or significantly reduced operations of a defense facility, the cancellation or termination of a Department of Defense contract, or the failure to proceed with a previously approved major defense acquisition program, assistance may be made under paragraph (1) only if the reduction, cancellation, termination, or failure will have a direct and significant adverse impact on a community and will result in the loss of - 2,500 or more employee positions, in the case of a Metropolitan Statistical Area or similar area (as defined by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget); 1,000 or more employee positions, in the case of a labor market area outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area; or one percent of the total number of civilian jobs in that area. In the case of a State or local government eligible for assistance under paragraph (1), the Secretary of Defense may also make grants, conclude cooperative agreements, and supplement other Federal funds in order to assist the State or local government to carry out a community adjustment and economic diversification program (including State industrial extension or modernization efforts to facilitate the economic diversification of defense contractors and subcontractors) in addition to planning such a program. The Secretary shall establish criteria for the selection of community adjustment and economic diversification programs to receive assistance under subparagraph (A). Such criteria shall include a requirement that the State or local government agree - to provide not less than 10 percent of the funding for the program from non-Federal sources; to provide business planning and market exploration services under the program to defense contractors and subcontractors that seek modernization or diversification assistance; and to provide training, counseling, and placement services for members of the armed forces and dislocated defense workers. The Secretary shall carry out this paragraph in coordination with the Secretary of Commerce. The Secretary of Defense may also make grants, conclude cooperative agreements, and supplement other Federal funds in order to assist a State or local government in planning community adjustments and economic diversification even though the State or local government is not currently eligible for assistance under paragraph (1) if the Secretary determines that a substantial portion of the economic activity or population of the geographic area to be subject to the advance planning is dependent on defense expenditures. The Secretary of Defense may also make grants, conclude cooperative agreements, and supplement other Federal funds in order to assist a State in enhancing its capacities - to assist communities, businesses, and workers adversely affected by an action described in paragraph (1); to support local adjustment and diversification initiatives; and to stimulate cooperation between statewide and local adjustment and diversification efforts. The Secretary of Defense may also make grants, conclude cooperative agreements, and supplement other Federal funds in order to assist a State or local government in enhancing the capabilities of the government to support efforts of the Department of Defense to privatize, contract for, or diversify the performance of military family support services in cases in which the capability of the Department to provide such services is adversely affected by an action described in paragraph (1). Funds provided to State and local governments and regional organizations under this section may be used as part or all of any required non-Federal contribution to a Federal grant-in-aid program for the purposes stated in paragraph (1). To the extent practicable, the Secretary of Defense shall inform a State or local government applying for assistance under this subsection of the approval or rejection by the Secretary of the application for such assistance as follows: Before the end of the 7-day period beginning on the date on which the Secretary receives the application, in the case of an application for a planning grant. Before the end of the 30-day period beginning on such date, in the case of an application for assistance to carry out a community adjustments and economic diversifications program. In attempting to complete consideration of applications within the time period specified in paragraph (7), the Secretary of Defense shall give priority to those applications requesting assistance for a community described in subsection (f)(1). If an application under paragraph (7) is rejected by the Secretary, the Secretary shall promptly inform the State or local government of the reasons for the rejection of the application. (c) Annual Report. - The Secretary of Defense shall submit a report not later than December 1 of each year to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives concerning the operation of this section during the preceding fiscal year. Each such report shall identify each State, unit of local government, and regional organization that received a grant under this section during such fiscal year and the total amount granted under this section during such year to each such State, unit of local government, and regional organization. (d) Definitions. - In this section: The term ''military installation'' means any camp, post, station, base, yard, or other installation under the jurisdiction of a military department that is located within any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or Guam. The term ''defense facility'' means any private facility producing goods or services pursuant to a defense contract. The terms ''community adjustment'' and ''economic diversification'' include the development of feasibility studies and business plans for market diversification within a community adversely affected by an action described in clause (A), (B), (C), or (E) of subsection (b)(1) by adversely affected businesses and labor organizations located in the community. (e) Assistance Subject to Appropriations. - The authority of the Secretary of Defense to make grants under this section in any fiscal year is subject to the availability of appropriations for that purpose. |
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