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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region 7 Air Program
  Serving Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and 9 Tribal Nations
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New Source Review
Policy and Guidance Database

EPA has issued a number of policy and guidance documents that interpret the New Source Review (NSR) and Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) construction permit regulations. Region 7 has developed a searchable database which contains over 550 EPA-issued policy and guidance documents. For an index of the documents currently in the database click here.

You can search the database online or download the database. Downloading the database will give you quicker searches and a more powerful search engine.

In addition to the database, we are making available abstracts (1,876 Kb PDF format), created by the Stationary Source Compliance Division, of a large number of older NSR related documents dating from May, 1976 to February, 1983 that you might find useful. As of August, 2000, most of the documents listed in this abstract file are not in our database.

Download the Database

To use the database you must have the Adobe Acrobat reader with the search plug-in installed on your computer. The Adobe Acrobat reader with the search plug-in can be downloaded from EPA Click for Disclaimer and is available for many types of computers and operating systems. Also, the Region has created a similar database for title V policy and guidance documents.

The database was last revised on February 11, 2003.

There are two sets of files for the database. One set is the complete database. The other set is an update to the previous version of the database. You can install or update the database by downloading a zip file, or if you are using Windows, a self extracting executable file. If you use the zip file you will need software that can unzip the file.

Instructions for downloading entire database:

To install the self extracting executable:
  1. Download nsrpg.exe (16.5 Mb) to the directory under which the nsrp&g directory will be created. For example, if you download the file to your computer's root directory on the C: drive the path to the install database will be C:\nsrp&g.
  2. Execute nsrpg.exe by double clicking on its file name in Windows Explorer or File Manager.
  3. Click "Unzip" to extract the files and then close the program.
  4. You may then delete nsrpg.exe from your computer.
  5. See the instructions for using the database.
To install the zip file:
  1. Download (16.5 Mb).
  2. Create a directory or folder for the database.
  3. Unzip the zip file and restore/create the directory structure stored in the zip file into the directory you created.
  4. You may then delete from you computer.
  5. See the instructions for using the database.
Instructions for downloading only the latest update to the database:

The update affects all the documents in the database. To update from the previous version of the database to the current version using the self extracting executable:
  1. Make sure you have the October 24, 2002 version of the database by looking at the version.txt file in the directory where you installed the database.
  2. Download nsrupd.exe (16.5 Mb) to the directory where you had installed the database.
  3. Delete the subdirectory called index in the directory where you have installed the database.
  4. Execute nsrupd.exe by double clicking on its file name in Windows Explorer or File Manager.
  5. Click "Unzip" to extract the files and then close the program.
  6. You may then delete nsrupd.exe from your computer.
  7. See the instructions for using the database.
To update from the previous version of the database to the current version using the zip file:
  1. Make sure you have the October 24, 2002 version of the database by looking at the version.txt file in the directory where you installed the database.
  2. Download (16.5 Mb).
  3. Delete the subdirectory called index in the directory where you have installed the database.
  4. Unzip the zip file and restore/create the directory structure stored in the zip file into the directory where you have installed the database.
  5. You may then delete from you computer.
  6. See the instructions for using the database.

Instructions for using the database:

To search the database, open INTRO.PDF with Adobe Acrobat and follow the instructions.

For additional policy and guidance, you may want to periodically check the New Source Review Bulletins & Memos section on the TTN-Web site.


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